Kitten D'Amour - Featuring Rachel Ann Jensen!

It can be difficult to find inspiration for your wardrobe. Sure you know what styles you’ve liked so far, but how does that help you when it comes to finding new looks? Surely it’s a hopeless cause, right...?

Oh, but what’s that? Could it be a heroine in our hour of need? Why yes, we think it is! It’s New York Fashion beauty Rachel Ann Jensen!


Shop 'Regency' featuring Rachel Ann Jensen here!

We’ve been big fans of Rachel’s inspirational Instagram account for some time now, and she just looked so stunning in her new Kitten D’Amour designs that we knew we needed more of her in our lives! Of course we had to learn more about her, and Rachel was happy to tell us all about how she came to be such an icon of Vintage Fashion.

According to Rachel’s mum, the New York Fashion beauty's interest in design started when she was still very young. Little Rachel had strong ideas of what worked and what didn’t, and even back then she always had a say in what she wore. Her dedication to style only grew stronger in high school, and often she took the time before falling asleep to plan the next day’s outfit. Her dad might be to blame for her future love of Vintage Fashion, as he would often watch great classic films with her while she was growing up. She remembers that the actresses were always dressed so beautifully, leaving young Rachel mesmerised after every film.

Shop 'Fly Me To The Moon' featuring Rachel Ann Jensen here!

Despite her early adoration with actresses like Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly, it would be some years before Rachel embraced any Vintage Fashion styling for her own wardrobe. She credits an incredible three-year move to Italy for reawakening her obsession with things of the classic variety, especially the fashion. Though she loved the stylings and aesthetics, Rachel says that embracing them wasn’t always easy:

“Initially I was afraid to dress in these styles, but then I realised that I shouldn't live life afraid! I should wear the styles that I truly love the most, and enjoy it. So that's just what I started doing.” 

And aren’t we glad that she did! Since embracing her love of Vintage Fashion, Rachel Ann Jensen combines her love of New York Fashion styles and Retro flare to become a modern vintage-style icon! Her career as a fashion and lifestyle influencer has grown tremendously over the years and shows no sign of slowing down yet, and even in the incredibly fashion-filled New York City she still stands out from the crowd! 

Having grown up in the suburbs and travelled well, Rachel says that New York has more opportunities for her than any other city in the United States. While it does have its own unique challenges, she says it more than makes up for these with the rich history and cinematic presence nearly everywhere! You’d be hard-pressed to travel through Sutton Place or the Upper East Side without reminiscing of the Golden Age of Hollywood and the classic glamour of ladies like Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable...nothing beats New York Fashion parades! 


Shop 'An Affair To Remember' featuring Rachel Ann Jensen here!

Iconic New York also makes an incredible backdrop to Rachel’s amazing photos. We simply adored her set and styling in the Kitten D'Amour ‘Knightsbridge’ collection, her photos were the perfect blend of retro glamour and modern charm! When we asked Rachel how she felt in her Kitten designs, she had this to say:

“I feel like a vixen straight out of the 60's in these designs. Each piece is so unique and original, and I love how much variety you will find with each collection!  Yet every collection has that vintage inspiration, which is exactly how I love to dress. The stars aligned when we found each other!”


Shop 'Knightsbridge' featuring Rachel Ann Jensen here!

While she does love her Vintage Fashion looks as much as we do, Rachel says that she likes to avoid being locked into any one specific style. She enjoys flexing her creative muscles going wherever inspiration takes her!

In the future you can expect to see even more fashion and style inspiration from her, along with more developments in the topics of health & fitness, music, and travel! Rachel’s platforms are never short on fresh ideas. We’ve loved everything we’ve seen from her so far, and we just know you will too!

You can follow Rachel Ann Jensen on Instagram here! 

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